Welcome to the Madness

This is a glimpse into my world.
Here the only limit to creativity is my imagination. Scrapbookers live for ever, through the legacy of their work. Live for today, scrapbook for tomorrow.
Altered Art is an extension of ones own mind, it reveals the complexities of the mind and all the sub-consciousness' that exist, proving without a doubt, I am one warped individual.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Creative Juices Flowing Again!

After spending the afternoon at Bucklands Beach with Kathleen and her kids, I came home and felt the desire to create. There is always something therapeutic, about spending time under the sun, playing in the surf and walking in the sand that never fails to clear the mind and rejuvenate the soul, to inspire me to get creative again. So here is my latest creation, of which I am very proud of, as its just gorgeous, even if I do say so myself.
Now I am inspired to do one for each of the other six grandchildren and even considering doing their parents as well, just to start the new year off with a bang. Though the parents might get done on one canvas rather than 6 individual ones, lets see how long I can last making these.

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